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Gender and Social Inclusion Analyst

Kathmandu     Full Time   Deadline : 2023-10-25 Closed
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  United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  Job Action
Short Info
  • Career Level: Mid Level
  • No. of Vacancy: 1
  • Experience: 2-4 Years
  • Views: 514
  • Apply Before: 2023-10-25 (Closed)
  • Offered Salary: Negotiable
  • Gender: Both
  • Driving License: Yes
  • Education Preference:
  Job Description:
Under the guidance of Team Leader, the key responsibilities of Gender and Social inclusion (GESI) Analyst are to advise the project and team members on PLG gender and social inclusion issues; mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion in PLG systems and procedures, as well as trainings of staff and elected representatives; and support to integrate GESI and human rights-based approach in basic service delivery systems.
Key tasks and responsibilities of the Gender and Social inclusion (GESI) Analyst are:
  • Analyze PLG systems and procedures in support to the project objective to also facilitate structural transformation in PLG mind-sets and ways of working in relation to GESI (system thinking).
  • Engage with stakeholders and projects and conduct where required research, to capture existing good practice (knowledge, products, and approaches) on GESI integration.
  • Ensure that GESI is mainstreamed in all mapping exercises, assessments, research, and policy documents prepared by PLGs supported by the Project 
  • Develop discussion papers with recommendations and facilitate team reflections on project strategy and approach to integrate GESI objectives, with the aim to be transformational.
  • Ensure GESI is mainstreamed, and targeted interventions planned and implemented by the Project under different results areas to enhance social accountability and inclusive service delivery, policy designs and systems development, including on PLG:
  1. Basic Service Delivery.
  2. Local Planning and Budgeting processes.
  3. PLG data management, monitoring, and reporting.
  4. PCGG capacity and services.
  5. Project stakeholder capacity, e.g., LG-Associations, CSOs and service providers

  • Support team work on mainstreaming GESI in PLGs systems, policies and procedures and assist in developing targeted policy documents and strategies on GESI 
  • Provide recommendations for GESI and human rights-based approach in basic service delivery systems.
  • Ensure that the relevant baseline studies and data collection/assessment are GESI sensitive 
  • Support development of the knowledge products on GESI in line with SDG principle of Leaving No One Behind (LNOB)
  • Support PLGs in documentation of learnings and best practices on GESI related issues, with the aim of supporting scaling-up within PLGSP and in other Provinces/LGs 
  • Specific responsibilities under key results areas identified by the Project are the following:
Inclusive Basic Service Delivery, Local Planning and Budgeting:
  • Support TA team and Karnali Province and LGs in conducting a mapping exercise of the BSD systems and procedures from GESI perspective, including local planning and budgeting processes 
  • Provide technical support in strategic and annual planning and budgeting processes to ensure GESI is significantly considered in provincial and local level planning and budgeting 
  • Ensure that research on BSD system functioning, impact, and sustainability are carried out with special attention to social accountability of PLGs to women, people with disability and marginalized groups in relation to decision making, policy formulation, development planning and budgeting processes. 
  • Provide advisory support in inclusive service designs, including GESI sensitive service procurement processes and resilient infrastructure development for long-term livelihood benefits.
  • Ensure GESI is mainstreamed in the Green, Resilient and Inclusive Development (GRID) approach. 
  •  Support inclusive participation and engagement of women, PWD and minority groups in documenting lessons learned and strengthening BSD system and processes of PLGs 
  • Support updating PLG job descriptions and strengthening PLG human resource management capacity (functional and technical) with GESI knowledge and approaches. 
  • Assist provincial government in evidence-based policy development including, targeted policies and strategies, plans (budgeted) on GESI
  • Develop, test and support roll out innovative ways to increase service outreach and efficiency to the most vulnerable groups including the persons with disabilities, LGBTIQ+ and other poor and marginalized groups.
  • Support capacity building of PLGs and Wards to deliver services (systems, procedures, staff) within a GRID approach and with integrated GESI knowledge and approaches. 
  • Strengthen capacity of PLGs and stakeholders to engage in deliberations in making an inclusive public decision and GESI to local development. 
  • Strengthen PLGs social accountability, feed-back and grievance handling mechanisms that are accessible to women, PwD and marginalized groups


  • Inclusive Data Management, Monitoring and Reporting
  • Support the Provincial Government to map and analyze all on-going interventions and programmes, and PLG data requirements from GESI perspective 
  • Guide PLGs with development, strengthening, adaptation and implementation of ‘Data and M&E-Reporting’ systems and procedures including the ‘LG Profiles’ as developed by PLGSP taking GESI into prime consideration.
  • Support PCGG on updating / developing capacity development packages related to data/evidence systems and procedures to ensure data on GESI is systematically collected, analyzed, and used in policy formulation 
  • Provide technical expertise in conducting research and studies regarding the implementation status of human rights obligations at sub-national level including CEDAW
  • Support mainstreaming of GESI in PLGs data management, monitoring, and reporting, including systematic collection of gender disaggregated data, monitoring of attainment of results on GESI and data analysis to report on progress / results that benefit men, women, PWD and people from marginalized groups 
  • From GESI perspective, provide recommendations for enriching the PLGSP M&E, learning and reporting system, including on baseline and progress data and on strengthening PLG capacity for providing required data and information to MoFAGA and PLGSP management/donors
  • In collaboration with PLGs and other stakeholders develop knowledge products and policy influencing papers, support advocacy and information sharing, on inclusive federal institution building through ‘Data and M&E-Reporting’ systems and evidence generation
Capacity Development of PCGG attuned to GESI and GRID 
  • Organize consultation meetings with stakeholders (elected women representatives, LG staff women’s groups, CSOs, LG associations etc) and PLGs to identify key capacity requirements of PLGs taking GRID and GESI into consideration.
  • Provide technical assistance to mainstream GESI and develop targeted CD interventions for PCGG’s CD strategy and plans (short, medium, and long term) and assist in their implementation.
  • Support development of a PCGG organizational strategy to deliver required GRID and GESI responsive CD services, and for assessing training outcomes and for continuous adaptation to evolving CD needs on e.g., planning, monitoring, and procurement. 
  • Support PCGG with integration of GESI objectives and actions in CD packages for PLGs, also considering their further use in up-scaling in other PLGs.
  • Support MoFAGA with assessing the demand, role and responsibilities, and vision & mission, of a possible ‘National Academy for Good Governance (NAGG), which will serve as the secretariat of Federalization in Nepal taking GESI into consideration.
Capacity- Building of Local Government Associations 
  • Support in institutionalization GESI in organizational functioning, performance, and services of MuAN and NARMIN. 
  • Ensure issues related to GESI are prioritized on evidence-based advocacy and LG voice in provincial level and national federalization platforms
  • Mainstream GESI on standardized research assignment packages to be outsourced by PLGs and PCGGs, as well as PLGSP to competent service providers 
  • Mainstream GESI in CD strategy developed for MuAN and NARMAN 
  • Ensure meaningful participation of women, PwD, youth and people from marginalized groups in policy dialogues and research discourse organized by LG associations and CSOs


Education + Experience
  • Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in Gender, Sociology, Political Science, Public Policy, or any other relevant areas is required.  
  • A first-level university degree (Bachelor’s degree) in in Gender, Sociology, Political Science, Public Policy, or any other relevant areas in combination with an additional 2 years of qualifying experience will be given due consideration in lieu of Master´s degree.
  • Minimum 2 years (with Master´s degree) or four years (with Bachelor´s degree) of experience on GESI and experience in mainstreaming GESI in development projects, preferably in the governance sector/local governance/basic service delivery 
  • Significant experience of developing strategies and evidence-based policy documents on GESI for government institutions at federal, provincial, and local level is an asset.
  • Experience of capacity-building of government institutions and local government representatives/officials, preferably for strengthening inclusive service delivery and governance is an asset.
  • Experience of working with LG associations, civil society organizations, women’s groups etc. for policy advocacy is an asset.
  • Experience of working in Karnali province will be an added advantage 
  • Excellent knowledge of computer including MS Office (Word, Excel, mail, and Power Point) 
  • Experience of working with local governments will be an asset. 
Required Languages:
Fluency in English and Nepali is required.
  • As per company policy.
  Apply Instruction:


Weblink for application:
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. UNDP retains the right to contact referees directly
UNDP is committed to achieve work force diversity and has a policy to have gender balance among staffs at all levels. Work experience and/or academic knowledge in relation to gender and social inclusion will be an added advantage. Qualified Women, Dalits, Janjatis, Madhesis, Persons with Disabilities, gender and sexual minorities and other minorities are specially encouraged to apply.
United Nations has a zero-tolerance against Sexual exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and sexual harassment (SH). Everyone is responsible for preventing sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment (PSEA and SH), and all UN personnel must adhere to the standards of conduct that preserves PSEA principles (both during work hours and outside work hours). All selected candidates will, therefore, go through a safe hiring process.
All applications will be treated with highest confidentiality.

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